2010: Year In Review

Hi there! Welcome to a new decade. We’re glad you decided to join us, here in the future.

Anyone who knows me could probably tell you how much I like “the future” (answer: quite a lot), but I’ve been pretty hesitant about predicting my own future. I may have developed the tendency to not plan too far in the future from two places:

  1. Tim Ferriss. In “The 4-Hour Work Week”, Ferriss suggests that it’s difficult if nigh impossible to keep plans for 6+ months. Mostly, I agree with this, but I intend to challenge it.
  2. My Job. Working for The Art of Charm is exciting, nerve-racking, challenging, and fulfilling, all at once. Most of all, it has taught me how working for a (relatively) small business is a very dynamic process, and not too much is set in stone.

Whatever the reason, I’m going to break the habit of not-planning somewhat and set down some predictions as to what might transpire in my life this year. But first, Seth Godin told me to write about what we “Shipped” in 2010.

Not a bad year at all, if you ask me!

That’s all for now. I want to publish this post so I can start writing the next one.


PS: I tried to fix the comments. I’m sorry they were broken. Ow! Don’t hit me! That’s abuse! They should be working now. Please leave your thoughts below.