A little bit Craigslist, a little bit Freecycle, Gigoit helps you unload unwanted items and find wanted items, all within your local area.
Basically a fancy classified-ads site, Gigoit lets you post items you want to give away (with up to three photos) and search for available items in your area. No money changes hands; this is all about free stuff. The site stands out by offering RSS feeds, a Google Gadget, Google Earth views and an attractive, simple, Web 2.0-style interface.
Like so many community-driven sites (Parentography comes to mind), Gigoit will either succeed or fail depending on how many users join up and participate. (I found all of four items up for grabs within 50 miles.) Can it take on the likes of Craigslist and Freecycle? Share (or give away) your two cents in the comments. — Rick Broida